
Core coating and sand mold

Alcohol base

  • Paste coating with zirconia refractory material

High resonant coatings with commercial codes Duromat HT and Duromat EHT are designed for use in casting of steel parts as well as in heavy parts or complex forms of gray cast iron in the form of sands connected with resin and waterglass. The advanced formulation of these coatings leads to high quality of the piece surface and its proper adhesion to the surface of the sand, which prevents sand burning, sand washing and interaction between molten metal and mold.


  • Paste coating with graphite refractory material

These coatings are recommended with the commercial codes Muffachem SP59 and Muffachem SP62 for use in cast iron and non-ferrous alloys for sands that are connected by CO2 or Cold box method. In addition to the smoothness of the surface, this coating also guarantees the non-penetration of melt and sand burning. The advanced formulation of these products has increased the percentage of solids and reduced gas-producing components, and this has reduced the gases produced during the contact between the melt and the coating, therefore the resulting defects will be reduced. Muffachem SP60 graphite coating is also used in refractory steel casting.


  • Powder coating with graphite refractory material

This product with the commercial code Duropol GP is intended for use in the casting of all types of cast iron and non-ferrous alloys and all cases where malleable and ductile cast iron melts are used in wet, sticky and drying sands with CO2 process.

After mixing with alcohol and forming a paste, this powder coating creates a smooth layer between sand and melt and removes defects including melt penetration into sand and sand burning. This product has a longer useful life than the paste type one (the Muffachem SP62) due to its powdery nature. Among the other advantages of this powder coating, it can be mentioned that it occupies less space in the warehouse and its lower cost.


  • Paste coating with magnesia refractory material

This product with Muffachem commercial code SP57 is designed to be used in the casting of manganese steel parts. Along with very good surface filtering, this coating ensures a lack of molten penetration and sand burning. The advanced formulation of this product increases the solid percentage and reduces the gas producing components to the minimum possible amount and this reduces the gases produced during molten contact with the coating and reduces the resulting defects. This coating is also used in cast iron molded with Furan resin and in some cases as an alternative coating in cast iron, copper, nickel-based alloys and even light alloys to withstand molten penetration.

  • Paste coating with aluminum-graphite silicate refractory material

This product with the commercial code Duromat MT22 is recommended for use in cast iron and                    non-ferrous alloys for sands that are connected by CO2 or Cold box method. This cover is uniquely suitable for casting cast iron parts with complex shapes such as electric motor shell. In addition to the smoothness of the surface, this coating also prevents the penetration of melt and sand burning.

  • Paste coating with aluminum silicate refractory material

This product with the commercial code Duromat CB is specially designed to be used in the casting of cast iron parts in cold box, hot box and shell tanks with hydrophobic surfaces. The advanced formulation of this coating has compensated for the weakness of the powder coatings used in this industry and has resulted in high quality of the surface of the part and its proper adhesion, which prevents sand burning, sand washing and interaction between the molten metal and the mold.


Core coating and metal mold


  • Paste coating for casting automobile parts

This product with commercial codes Rivestimento TGX, Rivestimento CB and Rivestimento TR are designed to be used in the casting of cast iron parts for covering of waterjet, hot box, cold box, Furan Resin by immersion and spray methods. These coatings are based on graphite and other refractories, which, by creating good refractoriness and proper coverage, prevent any defect caused by contacting of the melt and the cores. Due to the use of water, it is possible to use this coating on the core made of different binder. By utilizing minimum amount of volatile material, the gas emitted from this coating is very small and the quality of the parts is very high. In the design of the formulation of this coating, it has been tried to create the minimum possibility of reaction between the mold and the melt, so that a surface without defects and smooth is obtained after casting.